Microscopy Courses 2024

From Light to Electron Microscopy

The correct handling of the microscope is crucial to obtain the best results. 

At ZEISS we are offering different microscopy courses covering various fields like light, confocal, and electron microscopy. Our courses are open to a range of research fields and applications and take place onsite in Austria and Hungary. The focus lies on practical sessions with the newest ZEISS technologies.

On individual request we are offering inhouse trainings on your site and we can also tailor courses to meet specific training needs.

  • Benefit from the experienced ZEISS trainers
  • Hands On Sessions with the newest technologies
  • Special Price for booking two courses

Course Information

Find out more about the program.

Tissue Clearing: from sample to imaging
October 15 - 17 (3 days)

Course Language: English
Location: ISTA Klosterneuburg, Austria
In microscopy, optical clearing emerges as an essential technique to overcome the problem of opacity in biological tissue.

  • Over the course of three days you will practice different techniques of tissue clearing yourself.
  • Experts for ECI and Cubic Clearing will support you and share their knowledge in different theoretical introductions.
  • You will image your cleared sample on different ZEISS systems and imaging technologies (Lightsheet, Axio Zoom, LSM 980).
  • You are welcome to bring your own sample.

Target Group: Researchers in Life Science. Basic experience in imaging is of advantage.
Trainer: Wolf Heusermann
Course Fee: 900,-  Catering for the three days as well as the usage of all systems and clearing solutions are included.

  • October 15




    Hands-On Part I


    Lunch Break


    Introduction to optical tissue clearing and the scalabe DISCO-based methods

    Mihail Todorov


    High throughput tissue labelling and clearing for the analysis of morphological features of tissue using modular 2ECi based tissue clearing

    Daniel Reumann


    Coffee Break


    Hands-On Part II

    October 16


    Hands-On Part III


    Establishing a clearing method at the ISTA- from Clarity to Cubic

    Alessandro Venturino

    Different samples- different method? Cubic 2nd generation with hi RI imaging and decolorization

    Wolf Heusermann


    DISCO clearing techniques and application to human tissue

    James Oakes


    Lunch Break


    Hands-On Part IV

    October 17


    Hands-On Part V
    Imaging on LSM 980, Lightsheet, Axio Zoom

Confocal Microscopy: two dates available
October 23 & October 24

Course Language: English
Location: Radisson Blu, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Laser Scanning Microscopy is a standard method in biomedical research. Excellent knowledge of its theory and application is a prerequisite for experimental success.

  • Take a deep dive in the basics of laser scanning microscopy (light, confocal beam path, image quality).
  • The course will also cover more advanced techniques such as FRAP, and spectral unmixing.
  • During hands-on you will work intensively with the ZEISS LSM 900 on different topics (image acquisition and optimization, Z-stacks, time series). 
  • Realize the potential behind confocal techniques and how you can easily apply the techniques to a broad range of sample types and fluorescent label
  • You can bring your own samples.

Target Group: The course addresses researchers in biological and medical fields. Novice and more experienced users are welcome.
Trainer: Christine Strasser
Course Fee: 600,-  (includes coffee breaks, lunch break and the usage of all systems)


  • 9:00 AM

    Course Start:

    • Introduction of the trainer and the participants
    • Overview confocal microscopy (basics & advanced)

    10:30 AM

    Coffee Break

    10:45 AM

    Hands-On exercises on the ZEISS LSM 900

    12:30 PM

    Lunch Break

    2 PM

    Coffee Break

    5 PM

    End of Course

Light Microscopy Training: March 19 | 9:30 - 16:30

Course Language: German
Location: ZEISS Vienna
This course teaches the basics of the professional use of light microscopes for a wide range of material applications. In addition to an introduction to the optics and technology of microscopes, practical exercises are used to learn the procedure for optimum adjustment and the use of various illumination and contrast techniques.

  • Overview of the basics of light microscopy (light and optics, contrast techniques and imaging) and detailed knowledge of the working principles of stereo and widefield imaging.
  • Introduction of the different contrast methods (reflected and transmitted light, brightfield, darkfield, polarization) and application according the experimental design.
  • Camera & documentation
  • You can bring your own samples.

Target Group: For researchers in materials sciences as well as laboratory employees in materials testing laboratories and quality testing laboratories for electronic and technical components. No prerequisites necessary, beginner level.
Trainer: Michael Zölffel
Course Fee: 600,-  Catering for the whole day as well as the usage of all systems are included.
ZEISS Tip: Complete your training with the course Software & Image Analysis. You will benefit from the package price.

Software & Image Analysis: March 20 | 9:30 - 16:30

Course Language: German or English on request
Location: ZEISS Vienna
Get to know the ZEN Software: the modular software platform that enables you to acquire, process and analyze images in multiple dimensions and over various timepoints.

  • Basic topics like the Software design, Micro Tool Box configuration, camera and microscope settings of ZEN will be covered.
  • In the course you will learn how to create workflows, capture digital images, post-process and easily measure them. Optimize your image processing and automated analysis experience.
  • Introduction of the advanced image analysis functionalities with Machine Learning. 
  • Virtual Reality analysis!
  • The course integrates theoretical lectures with hands-on experiments and practical experience on the ZEISS Axiozoom and ZEISS Axio Imager.  You can bring your own samples.

Target Group: No prerequisites necessary, beginner level.
Trainer: Andrija Nikodijevic
Course Fee: 600,-  Catering for the whole day as well as the usage of all systems are included.

Electron Microscopy Training: June 12 | 9:30 - 16:30

Course Language: English or German on request
Location: Materials Center Leoben, Austria
Master the fundamental principles of electron microscopy and comprehend their functionalities.

  • The course starts with a quick introduction to electron microscopy. Learn about the special features of an field-emission (FE-) SEM and how to optimize imaging conditions based on the double-condensor design.
  • Advanced topics like ideal microscopy settings for EDX measurements and how to switch between SEM and EDS settings will be covered.
  • You will receive a theoretical introduction followed by practical hands-on sessions with the ZEISS GeminiSEM 450. The course is very interactive and we can address your individual requests. You can bring your own samples.

Target Group: For researchers in materials science as well as lab technicians. Ideal for beginners and advanced users who want to refresh their knowledge.
Trainer: Bernhard Sartory
Course Fee: 600,- Catering for the whole day as well as the usage of all systems are included.
ZEISS Tip: Complete your training with the course Correlative & Analytics. You will benefit from the package price.

Correlative & Analytics: June 13 | 9:30 - 16:30

Course Language: English or German on request
Location: Materials Center Leoben, Austria
Master the fundamental principles of analytical microscopy and learn about the benefits of an correlative approach.

  • The course will focus on EDS and EBSD analysis in theory and practice. In addition working with multimodal data in a correlative approach will be shown.
  • The basics for sample preparation will be covered.
  • You will receive a theoretical introduction followed by practical hands-on sessions on the ZEISS GeminiSEM 450 with EDS and EBSD by Oxford Instruments. You can bring your own samples for EDS. If you want to bring also samples for EBSD, please contact us first.

Target Group: For researchers in materials science as well as lab technicians. Ideal for intermediate and advanced users who want to refresh and deepen their knowledge.
Trainer: Bernhard Sartory
Course Fee: 600,- Catering for the whole day as well as the usage of all systems are included.

Book Your Course

You can book several courses.

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General Info

Locations, Contact, Trainers

Course Locations

1. Institute of Science and Technology Austria

ISTA Austria Am Campus 1 3400 Klosterneuburg Austria

2. Cluj-Napoca

Radisson Blu Hotel Stadionului Street 1 400375 Cluj-Napoca Romania

3. ZEISS Vienna

ZEISS Vienna Laxenburger Straße 2 1100 Vienna Austria

4. Materials Center Leoben

Materials Center Leoben Roseggerstraße 12 8700 Leoben Austria

Contact ZEISS Austria for further info

Ulrike Jünnemann
Sales & Support Specialist
Phone: +43 1 795 18 311
Email: ulrike.juennemann@zeiss.com

Your Trainers

Christine Strasser

Christine studied biology and completed her PhD in Constance. During this time, she worked intensively with ZEISS confocal systems and conducted various training courses in the newly founded BioImaging Center. Since 2010 she has been working for ZEISS in Switzerland as an application specialist for confocal and lightsheet systems.

Michael Zölffel

Michael studied biology, cell biology/protozoology and holds a PhD. He is a Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society, Oxford. At ZEISS, Michael has now been working since 1996. For him, microscopy is not only a profession, but a vocation, and he has been practicing it for almost 45 years.

Andrija Nikodijevic

Andi finished the technical secondary school in electrical engineering and established perfect skills in programming, EDV and PC computing. He started at ZEISS in 2023 during his studies at the technical university in Vienna. As application specialist for ZEN & image analysis, he is supporting customers in Austria and South Eastern Europe. 

Bernhard Sartory

Bernhard  has headed the SEM laboratory at the Materials Center Leoben since 2010. His international experience of more than 25 years includes various programs, contributions to renowned journals and participation in various international conferences in different fields.